Meet 'AGT' Golden Buzzer Viral School Janitor Richard Goodall

Publish date: 2024-08-08
Corey Cesare Corey Cesare
Corey Cesare

Corey Cesare is Talent Recap's Managing Editor and featured YouTube Host. She has a love of all things pop culture and an unhealthy obsession with celebrities. Corey earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Cinema/Screen Studies from the State University of New York at Oswego in 2021. She spends her spare time shooting astro, nature, and portrait photography, and coming up with movie ideas that she hopes to make into a film someday.

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| May 28, 2024 SIGN IN TO SAVE POST Richard Goodall on 'America's Got Talent' 2024Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC

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America’s Got Talent is officially back! Now that AGT is back for its 19th season on NBC, there’s been a huge twist to the show itself. Instead of 4 or 5 Golden Buzzers, this season will feature 9. Elementary School janitor turned singer Richard Goodall is among the recipients of the season.

Who is Heidi Klum’s Golden Buzzer Recipient Richard Goodall?

It’s no secret that any Got Talent fan loves a good underdog story. It seems like Heidi Klum has honed in on the underdog this season by rewarding Richard with one of her two Golden Buzzers.

Richard’s singing originally went viral online in July 2022 when a video of him singing Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'” was posted on TikTok. His video went so viral that even ABC News reported on it. Within the video, at an Elementary School graduation, Richard belts out the notes to the iconic tune.

“It’s humbling and it’s fun, but yet I’m still the same person I’m always going to be. I’m just me,” he said when asked about the viral video.


Former front man of Journey Steve Perry even reshared the video, saying he loved it. The band also commented on the viral video on TikTok. Following the messages from the band itself, Richard explained that he was “in half tears” over their support.

“I don’t have any formal training I’ve never been to college,” he said. “When I was a kid I was the kid that had speakers all around his bedroom and I just turned on the radioshack stereo and I just belted it out.”

Since beginning his job in the Elementary School, Richard made it a habit to sing for his students. Some of the students, even ones that were around him 20 years ago remember him as the singing janitor. He chose to incorporate his love of music into the job because he wants everyone to be happy and smile.

Now, Richard has not only his students, but the eyes of America watching him through this season of AGT. Given his past virality, he could have what it takes to go all the way. What did you think Richard? Let us know in the comments down below.

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